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LED Tape Has Revolutionized Lighting Design

LED lighting systems

LED tape has revolutionized indoor and outdoor lighting. It was not long ago that lighting was held to pretty strict requirements. Where you could place lighting depending on where you could wire and install a socket. Even though there were, and are, very small incandescent bulbs wiring a socket for every location you want a bulb is very labor intensive and often just not possible. LED tape allows you to install lighting virtually anywhere you can imagine.

LED tape comes in several different voltages as well as watts per foot. Since the tapes can be any length, wattage is determined by output per foot of tape. The standard wattages offered are 1.5 watts per foot, 3 watts per foot, 4.5 watts per foot, and 5.6 watts per foot. It is important to remember that this is not the visual equivalent, as compared to the output of an incandescent bulb, but the actual wattage output of the tape.

It is also possible to buy LED strip lights with different weatherproofing. Manufacturers make tapes not encased in any type of covering. All the wiring and diodes are exposed. This type of tape is suitable for interior installation behind a protective covering removed from any moisture or humidity. It is also possible to purchase LED tape in silicon tubing or gel coated. Both of these types of tapes are waterproof and are suitable for exterior use or for use where there is a high level of humidity.

The fact that LED tape is flexible and can be made waterproof allows it to be used in a myriad of applications in homes, businesses, automobiles, boats, and any exterior location with a power source. The flexibility allows you to mold the lighting in several different shapes. The small size of the tape allows you to hide lighting in recessed areas and illuminate small areas that cannot accommodate traditional lighting. It is a product that has truly revolutionized the way that lighting is designed and installed. Best of all, it is energy efficient preventing outrageous energy bills. The flexibility in design, application, and the cost has forever changed the fighting game.

Benefits Of Residential LED Lights

Reams of print and several hours of TV time have been devoted to driving home the point about LED lighting’s energy saving potential, as well as the fact that these lights tend to just go on and on, unlike the earlier fluorescent lamps. There are however certain lesser known facts about the LEDs that adorn your house that you may not be aware off. Knowing them will make you an even bigger fan of LEDs.

Instant light
Ever noticed how LED lights come on with 100% light the moment they are switched on, which is not the case with most of the fluorescent lamps. In fact, with the later there are instances when you need to wait for as long as three to four minutes for the full brightness to light up your rooms. No such need with the LED. Switch on and voila! What have you? Enjoy the rooms of your house come to life in an instant.

‘Smart’ lights
In this day and age of smart technologies, can LED lights be far behind? The new age control systems that come these days enable dimming of LED light output by as much as 10 per cent, something that was until now unheard of with fluorescent. This option gives you to the freedom to customize the light pattern around your home according to your wish.

No IR Emissions
While almost everyone knows that LED bulbs are energy efficient and environment friendly, not many know that they don’t emit harmful infrared (IR) or ultraviolet radiation (UV). In fact, you will be surprised to know that in the case of incandescent lamps less than 10 per cent of the electricity is actually converted into light. A good majority of the energy is converted into UV and IR. With LEDs, you need not worry about such emissions inside your home since the amount of IR or UV emissions with them is almost negligible.

Chilled out
Unlike the case with incandescent lamps, LEDs just seem to love the cold environment. They don’t require a higher voltage to start at low temperatures unlike the former. In fact, with them it is the opposite. Their performance jumps as temperatures reduce. This makes them the right choice for the refrigerator inside your house or for the lighting around your garage outdoors.

Different Options For The Doohickey On Your KLR650

The doohickey on your KLR650 is not an imaginary part, but is part of the system that balances the chain on your bike, and there are a couple of different options for this setup. The main two are a coil spring or tension spring system. Each of these have their own benefits depending on your preferences. Here is a comparison of the KLR doohickey options for your bike:

Coil Spring Idler Arm Systems For Your Bike

One of the options that you have for your doohickey is a coil spring system. This is a common solution for idler arm systems on cars and motorcycles. It is a system that uses a series of coil springs to operate the doohickey. The coil spring system can give you the benefit of being able to adjust tension for better performance but can fail if one of the springs fail. In addition, since there are usually at least two springs, there is also more of a chance of failure.

Torsion Spring Idler Arm Systems For Your Bike

The other option you have for the chain balancer system is a tension spring system. These are doohickeys that use a single spring to control the doohickey. The downside of a tension spring is that it is a fixed tension and does not allow for much adjustment. The advantage of a tension spring doohickey is that there is only one spring, which means that there is less chance of failure. Also, if you use a tension spring and want to adjust it, there are after market springs that you can use to change the tension of the doohickey, but it is important to remember that you will need to replace the gaskets each time you may an adjustment.

These are a couple of the options if you need to replace the doohickey on your KLR650. You can contact to get the doohickey and other parts that you need for maintenance and repairs to your bike. When you change the doohickey on your bike, there are going to be some other parts that need replacing. You will want to have the inner and outer gaskets.

Nutritional Supplements For Autism From Kirkman Labs

Kirkman-LogoEvery man, woman, and child should be eating a healthy diet, but poor nutritional choices account for many of the diseases and symptoms people suffer from today. Maybe a health issue won’t go away because consumers make more informed nutritional choices, but they can ease symptoms by taking supplements. Kirkman Labs supplies vitamins and minerals for adults and children in various formats for many conditions. Shop by category, looking for a symptom you want to treat, and you will find exactly what you are looking for.

Nutritional Supplements for Autism

Kirkman Labs’ online shopping page does not specify “autism spectrum” beneath the heading “health concerns.” You have to approach each condition a child deals with individually. Your son or daughter might not exhibit every stereotypical, extreme behavior uninformed consumers associate with autism anyway. His condition could be marked by lung disease and gut problems but not aggression; low mood but no difficulty with speech.

Treating Symptoms with Kirkman Labs Supplements

Adapting the family’s diet is not always practical. Fresh fish might be difficult to come by or your children don’t like it. Lactose intolerance makes it difficult to add yogurt to foods in order to introduce active bacteria into a GI tract undermined by antibiotics prescribed to treat repeated respiratory problems. Supplementing could be an easier solution, especially since certain symptoms respond best to highly concentrated doses of vitamins and minerals.

Method of Administration

What if your child refuses to take pills, even gel-coated ones? Maybe he finds liquid vitamins yucky. Give him drops of lithium in water or juice to calm him: he won’t taste them. Let a child smooth B-Vitamin cream on his hands and arms. Provide chewable tablets containing probiotics which are not only effective but tasty.

Quality of Products

Kirkman only works with the best scientists in the pharmaceuticals business and they will not accept substandard quality. Products are manufactured in a clean, monitored facility. They carefully label products so you can find soy, gluten, and casein-free supplements for sensitive stomachs. Certified suppliers provide their raw materials: no one else. Rely on their dedicated team to work with professionals they already know and trust, not the cheapest suppliers, cowboys, or unknown entities.

Get Your Sling Pitcher Machine Today!

Softball Pitching MachineGreat baseball and softball pitchers are often revered. Pitching (well) is an important skill to have in both sports. Having a great pitcher on your team can be the difference between winning and losing. As such, coaches and pitchers themselves tend to develop both baseball and softball training drills that can help the pitchers in their team pitch faster, harder, and overall more effectively.

Of course there are many traditional ways that coaches and their pitchers can carry out these drills that are geared toward improvement. There are also methods and drills aided by technology and first world patented equipment that can help speed up the effectiveness of these drills and subsequently the progress of the athlete. On the flip side, there are also drills and equipment that not just help to build great pitchers, but also help to build great hitters who can match the veracity of the greatest pitchers around. One such piece of equipment is the Sling Pitcher machine. This machine is a manually operated patented pitching machine that throws baseballs up to 70 miles per hour, and softballs up to 50 miles per hour.

More About The Sling Pitcher Machine

The Slinger Pitcher machine not only throws baseballs at very high speeds, it also throws flyballs of up to 150ft (baseballs) and 125ft (softballs), and includes the flyball arms. Best all, the machine is convenient and easy to carry as it is lightweight and portable, as it comes complete with a specially designed carrying bag that allows for easy travel. This machine is very practical to use. Being a manual machine, the Slinger Pitcher is not electricity or battery operated and can therefore be used anywhere. The machine comes complete with extra elastics and 12 complementary lightweight balls that can be used for practice. As for storage, this machine is not bulky, and it folds. Therefore, it stores easily.

Getting Your Own Slinger Pitcher Machine

Slinger Pitchers are available for order at most major online stores and some local chains/outlets. They are cost effective and durable. This machine pays for itself several times over as it is built to last. Place your order today!

The Best Muay Thai Training Pads In The Market Today

twins-thai-padsMartial arts has long been one of those sports that people go into simply because they have an interest in learning the discipline at the same time they also want to have a regular activity that will keep them physical active. As of recent years Muay Thai has gained a lot of popularity because those who practice it have started spreading the word about the many benefits that one can get from doing this type of martial arts. Getting into Muay Thai can seem daunting at first but it can also be a lot of fun, it can be a great way for you to meet new friends, and it can help you have lasting health benefits as well.

To get started in Muay Thai you must have the proper equipment so that you can perform at your optimum level. First thing of course is your outfit. In doing contact sports it is essential that you invest in proper attire or else you will be opening yourself up to injuries. Once you have all the basics and you have started getting deeper into your training the next best thing to invest in is a pair of good quality Muay Thai Training Pads.

What exactly do you need to look for in pair of training pads? First you must make sure that they are made of durable quality. MMA Industries has a vast collection all the best brands of equipment for contact sports. One of their bestsellers when it comes to training pads is the Fairtex Extra Long Thai Pads. Many Muay Thai enthusiasts consider this to be the most comfortable pads that is available in the market today. The reasons for this is that it is that it is brilliantly designed to have curved edges making it easier to hold during training. It is made with state-of-the-art off-edge stitch design which prevents the user from experiencing possible foot injuries. At the same time it also makes it extremely comfortable for the person kicking the pads. It is made with a foam core which is lighter than most training pads therefore allowing the user more ease and agility. It is made of 100% genuine leather handmade in Thailand so it is sure to last you a long time.

Another brand to watch out for is the Ring To Cage Deluxe Thai Pads. These are the perfect pads to use in all aspects of Muay Thai training such as strength training, speed conditioning, and shin conditioning. Customers who have been using this brand has given it praise for being able to absorb strikes better than any other training pad. They are made in such a way that they do not slip easily. The leather is thick and tough enough to be effective for training.

So if you want to step it up a notch with your Muay Thai training,  invest only in the best brands available in the market today. Having the best gear will spell out the difference in your training and your performance and will help make you a better athlete overall.

Some Pointers about the Car Transport Industry

car transport companiesWhen moving to a new location, you get engrossed in packing up the household stuff, and only realize later, that you have not considered how the car will get to the new location. Taking a car across long distances comes with certain challenges. The car will build up a lot of mileage, thus affecting its resale value. The car will also undergo plenty of wear while on the road. The drive will also be exhausting to you, and you may have to sleep in several hotels before you make it to your destination. Car transport services are the best option when you need to move your car across several states, and they ensure that the car remains in the same condition that it was when you handed it to them at their terminal.

When you consider costs, you will note that using a car transport company to ferry your car, is more economical than driving it yourself. The cost of fuel is shared among the owners of the vehicles being ferried by one truck. The expenses incurred by the driver are much less than the cumulative expenses that would be incurred if each owner drove his or her car. Basically, these companies pass real savings to the owners of the vehicles, including you. Consider quotes from different companies and see which one will give you the best bang-per-buck, for their services.

Because of the competitive nature of the industry, you can be assured of getting quality services from several providers. Whether you are an individual, or a motor dealership, you can expect the same quality of service across the board. Each car is carefully inspected before it is loaded onto the carrier. This report is placed on file, and you can ask for a copy, for your own records. The carrier will give you a tracking number, which you can use to trace the movement of your vehicle while in transit. The company will take details about the date that you will be moving, and they will give you a date, on which to expect your delivery. The customer service departments of these companies are very helpful, and will give you pertinent information whenever you request it. Basically, you can expect top-quality service from a car transport service.

To ensure that you get the best quality from the players in the car transport industry, you should rely on credible information sources to get referrals, reviews and testimonials. Your friends, and family, who have used the services of such companies in the past, will give you valuable feedback. The Better Business Bureau is another great source of credible information that will tell you which the best companies are, considering your budget. It is your responsibility to ensure that you precious car gets to its destination in pristine condition so do your due diligence and research the experience and reliability of the companies available. Once you have done this, take your car to the pickup terminal, and then travel to your destination, and wait for it to be delivered.

Heat Pumps and Boise A/C Repair

Boise Air Conditioning RepairOn a recent Boise a/c repair I was asked.  What is a heat pump and how does it work?  Is a heat pump right for me?  A heat pump is an air conditioner that will do both heating and cooling from the same unit.  To understand how a heat pump works you have to understand how an air conditioner uses Freon to move heat around from one place to another.  The compressor in the a/c unit takes Freon in a gas state and pumps it through a coil outside that has a fan on it.  The air from the fan changes the hot gas from a gas to a liquid.  That liquid Freon is then pumped toward another coil and thru a small hole called a metering device.  At the metering device the high pressure liquid passes thru and a portion of that liquid picks up heat by boiling back into a gas.  This process cools the remaining liquid which is then passed thru the coil removing heat from your home by boiling off the remaining liquid as it absorbs the heat from the air passing through it.  At this point the (mostly cool gas) heads back to the compressor to start the job over again.  On a typical day where the outside temp is 90 degrees and your home is 75 degrees, the air coming from your cold coil (inside) would be about 55 degrees and the air coming from the hot coil (outside) would be about 120 degrees.  These temperatures will vary as the outside and interior temperatures change.  Freon does not go bad under normal use and never wears out.  Think of it as water boiling to steam as you heat it and then turning back to water as it cools again.

So a heat pump then, has what is called a reversing valve that simply reverses the flow of the Freon so that the outside coil becomes the cold coil and the inside coil becomes the hot coil thus removing heat from outside and returning it to you inside.  So it stands to figure then that the warmer it is outside to more heat a heat pump will return to your home and the more efficient it will work.  On most heat pumps you will also have (back-up) heating elements.  These heaters are electric coils that heat up as electricity passes through them (like a space heater or electric stove element).  These (heat strips) are used in several ways.  When set up correctly they add extra heat to your home when the heat pump cannot do the job alone, they can be used instead of the heat pump when the temperatures outside are too cold for the heat pump to work well, and they provide heat to warm the air during a defrost cycle.

Good question “what is a defrost cycle”?  When the temperatures are very cold outside, that cold coil we spoke of is below 32 degrees and will start to form ice on it from the surrounding humidity in the air.  Too much ice means low heat transfer, so we need a way to remove the ice so we can get back to heating correctly again.  This is called the defrost cycle.  In defrost the reversing valve changes back to cooling mode (causing the outside coil to get hot) it also shuts down the fan motor so the coil gets hot faster to melt the ice in the fastest time possible.  During defrost the unit sends a signal to the heat strips to turn them on so that the air entering the house is not so cold.  A typical defrost will happen about every 30 to 60 min. of running time and last for between 1 and 15 min.  Your unit knows when to go into and out of defrost by using a sensor, most sensors measure the coil temperature and will start  defrost when the coil is below 30 degrees and end it when it reaches 60 degrees.

For this Boise a/c repair a heat pump was the correct choice.  The only other option to her was propane which for our area is very expensive.  Other important factors are how cold does it get where you are?  Heat pumps are better in areas where the temps stay above 25 in the winter such as Las Vegas or Phoenix.  In colder areas such as Boise, often times natural gas heating is a much smarter move.  

Soft LED Kitchen Lighting

Soft LED kitchen lightingThere are many ways to light a kitchen; numerous design possibilities and products. It is not necessary to install overly bright or sterile fluorescents that make you feel unwell after an hour of food preparation and cooking. You still need good lighting and you would probably love it if your bulbs were efficient too. Consider LED kitchen lighting if you are still using traditional bulbs.

The initial cost of LED bulbs is marginally more at the outset, but remember they last much longer and cost far less to operate than even CFL bulbs. Since they are so much more efficient than any other kinds of bulbs, they are far less expensive to run. They last much longer, meaning you are going to be less wasteful. Their efficiency allows them to burn cooler so they are far safer too, while they tend to be more durable than ordinary lights. Plus they do not contain any mercury so they are much safer.

You will appreciate the warmth of the lighting. Although you can choose a style that is perfectly bright enough for the area where you do most of your chopping and slicing, the clean adjustable light will still be just right, not a glare that makes your eyes hurt.

Two of the most convenient forms of LED kitchen lighting are strip lighting and long, narrow lamps. LED bulbs are very small so they lend themselves to either format. A lamp can be built into a ceiling or wall sconce, suspended from your ceiling to a desired height, or supported from the counter upwards and designed to hang slightly away from the wall. You get the light exactly where you want it in every instance.

Warm white light is not just for practical purposes like as cooking. You might like to install LED strip lights in areas of the kitchen where there are items for display. Install them inside the glass cupboard where you keep your china or above an antique appliance. Place them along the bottoms of cupboards to offer a welcoming, guiding presence late at night. Strip lights are flexible so you can adjust them to take a corner or a curve. They are also flat, so the fixture disappears while its glow shines through. Strip lights are also helpful in the dark recesses of a deep cupboard, such as your Lazy Susan, where bottles and jars have a tendency to hide.

For areas of the kitchen that get wet, such as right behind the sink, there are waterproof strip lights. Gain that extra feeling of security knowing that your LED kitchen lighting will not shatter if exposed to cold water, or cause an electrical accident. Use these to enhance a water feature in your kitchen or somewhere else in your home such as a soothing indoor fountain.

Working With A Professional: Why You Need A Trademark Lawyer

trademark lawyers protect your interests in complicated trademark casesTrademark cases are complex. They involve not only showing that you own (or that others do not own) a particular mark, and they also tread into various areas of use, intellectual property rights and a dozen other assorted subjects. If you find yourself looking down the barrel of a trademark case, you owe it to yourself to consider hiring an attorney. Starting out you might be overwhelmed by the sheer number of lawyers in your area – it seems that even small towns have a couple of dozen people hanging around the courthouse looking for work. Rather than simply hiring the first person you see to represent you, you should make sure that you contact an attorney with a specialization in trademark law.

A Specialized Discipline

Trademarks are, to put it bluntly, complicated. While they are not quite the sort of thing that the average lawyer will shrink away from in terror, the cases that feature trademarks will almost always be passed off to an individual with considerable trademark experience. Most state bars require attorneys to pass on a case if they cannot provide the proper level of representation, and trademarks usually fall outside the scope of most attorneys’ knowledge. If you find yourself heading towards a trademark case, you might as well contact a trademark lawyer from the beginning- if you do not, you will likely find yourself being recommended to one anyway.

But Really, Why a Trademark Lawyer?

Perhaps the best reason to seek out a lawyer with experience in trademarks can be found by look at the average law school curriculum. First year students get a good foundation in topics as diverse as criminal law and federal civil procedure, but trademarks are nowhere to be found in the required subjects. In fact, an individual has to go out of his or her way to become educated on the topic – most classes are elective, and the topic may not even be covered on the bar exam. Trademark lawyers are those individuals who actually seek out the knowledge for use in later practice.

This educational gap transfers over to professional practice, as well. Trademark cases are not the stuff of daily practice for most lawyers, and most will go an entire career without ever having a client ask for trademark advice. A trademark lawyer, however, will represent individuals in these cases all the time – it is, after all, the area of law that these individuals choose to practice.

Trademark litigation or protection requires an attorney who is actually skilled in the practice. It is always better to seek out someone who has skills and experience rather than depending on a local attorney – it might hurt not to work with your family’s lawyer, but trademarks are simply too complicated to trust to anyone other than a skilled trademark lawyer. Finding that lawyer can take time, but it is well worth the effort.

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