Finding a wasp nest can be a pretty scary moment. Most of the time, it is a bit of a surprise, and as soon as it is discovered, a person begins to wonder if they possibly spooked the wasps inside.

Wasps are notoriously aggressive if they are provoked. That is why when a wasp nest is located near a home, it needs to be removed to avoid danger without appearing that anything was done. So what is the best way to remove a wasp nest?


The first step when trying to remove any type of nest is to properly identify it. Wasp nests can look a lot like a bees’ nest, but the removal process can be slightly different.

These nests are going to be round and shaved a little bit like a cone that is attached to a surface in a protected location. A wasp is likely going to build their nest in the corners of windows, underneath porches and decks, attics, tree branches and other similar locations. Of course, actually seeing wasps coming and going will be the best way to identify the nest, but that is not always possible.

Dealing With The Personality of Wasps

A wasp is going to go into defensive mode as soon as they feel provoked. They will protect the queen at all costs, and the only way they know how to defend is to use their stinger.

Wasps are able to sting a person multiple times, so if several are coming for someone at the same time, it can be extremely painful. If there is one silver lining, it is the fact that they are rarely going to be lethal, but it is still going to cause a lot of pain from all of the stings.

Nest Removal

A person looking to do the wasp nest removal by themselves needs to proceed with extreme caution. It helps to have a plan in place beforehand, because it will need to be done quickly to avoid any serious pain or potential injury.

While it might seem heroic to remove a nest, it is best left to the professionals to handle this type of situation. Not only will pest control professionals know exactly if they are dealing with a wasp or a bee nest, but they will also have the proper equipment to keep everyone safe as they remove and agitate so many wasps.